Welcome to MOVE Marketing

(401) 835-3509 Mary Heath, President

About Us

Goal Oriented Team Players

  • Mary Heath has a reputation for developing and implementing targeted and measurable campaigns in order to reach marketing and fundraising goals. MOVE Marketing believes success is achieved through an aggressive, tailored, collaborative approach and can help design a roadmap for clients to reach revenue and marketing goals. Capabilities include developing and implementing effective partnership and sponsorship strategies to maximize revenue potential, fan engagement, event attendance, public relations, B2B  and B2C client experiences, and experiential activations 


Socrates said "Let him who would move the world, first move himself". At MOVE Marketing, we know our clients look to us to take the lead in creating positive solutions, clear communication and teamwork to help reach our collective goals. MOVE Marketing believes in Servant Leadership. It's our role to make our clients and their teams better. 

MOVE Your Feet

We are athletes and believe in the power of footwork. Without footwork, tennis players lack power and consistency. In basketball, footwork is the foundation of rebounding and defense which we all know win Championships! The most successful marketing and fundraising campaigns rely on daily "footwork" measuring our success, moving towards  new opportunities, evaluating what we can be doing better, then doing it!


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We believe that a business with a great marketing team can make an impact and help move the world. Make the first move and contact us and together, we can reach your company's goals.

MOVE Marketing Group

172 Bellevue Ave. Suite 306E, Newport, RI 02840

(401) 835-3509